Ledger Live Login: Effortless Access

With increasing cyber threats, protecting your crypto holdings is paramount. Ledger Live implements robust security measures, including two-factor authentication, to safeguard your investments.

Ledger Live Login

Hardening of infrastructure

Infrastructure hardening comes in many shapes. It’s a 360° exercise that involves a wide range of activities driven by a thorough analysis of security risks. It usually starts by maintaining a catalog of attack scenarios that could lead to security issues (such as data leaks, impersonation of clients leading to the unauthorized restoration of shares, non-responsive systems, and service disruption). The prevention of these issues at the operational level is organized around activities like resource isolation, system access regulation, network traffic control, vulnerability management, and many more.

Service availability

The infrastructure is designed so that there is no single point of failure (NSPOF), meaning that the system is resilient to the failure of any component. Let’s take the following example: our data centers are served by two independent Internet service providers (ISPs), at two opposite ends of the building. If the fiber is damaged due to ongoing construction work in one part of the building, data will simply be routed through the other ISP. Disruption-free maintenance is yet another benefit that enhances availability. Given that there are at least two instances of all software components of Ledger Recover, we can reconfigure the system to use only instance A while replacing/upgrading/fixing instance B.

Limited admin access to Ledger Recover applications

Only a reduced set of users are granted admin access to the resources that are dedicated to Ledger Recover. The shorter the list of users, the more we can reduce the risk of insider threats getting admin access.

Secured physical data centers

The Backup Providers’ HSMs are hosted in geographically redundant physical data centers, protected from physical and virtual threats using industry-grade security techniques and procedures. The level of physical protection ensures that no unauthorized individual can casually walk away with an HSM. Relying on data centers across multiple sites means that if one location experiences an issue, another location can take over, providing uninterrupted service availability. Last but not least, managing our own HSMs gives us control over who has access to them and what code is deployed on them.

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